I ACCEPT AND AGREE Help Join AnchorFree's hotspot advertising network AnchorFree operates a hotspot advertising network allowing DD-WRT customers to generate incremental revenues.

DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - (Ask) About Anchorfree (new Aug 18, 2008 #2390 (Remove AnchorFree) – DD-WRT Anchorfree revenue program (stated "Earn revenue by creating ad-supported AnchorFree Hotspot", under "My Ad Network" in dd-wrt) is over. This can be removed to free some space for dd-wrt. b19519 and there still a webpage in dd-wrt for it. At least on Asus RT-N10+ … Free Wi-Fi by AnchorFree - YouTube

Creating a Wi-Fi hotspot on a router with firmware DD-WRT

Aug 05, 2009 DD-WRT

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I ACCEPT AND AGREE Help Join AnchorFree's hotspot advertising network AnchorFree operates a hotspot advertising network allowing DD-WRT customers to generate incremental revenues. DD-WRT — Vikipēdija DD-WRT ir Linux balstīta atvērtā koda programmatūra, piemērota ļoti dažādu veidu bezvadu maršrutētājiem un iegultajām sistēmām. Galvenais uzsvars likts, nodrošinot iespējami vienkāršāku apstrādi, bet tajā pašā laikā atbalstot lielu skaitu funkciju attiecīgās platforma.