Sep 19, 2009

ISH clients don't need to access any field of struct ishtp Mar 03, 2019 Why do many functions that return structures in C There are several practical reasons why functions like fopen return pointers to instead of instances of struct types: You want to hide the representation of the struct type Notice also, that on Linux/x86-64 the ABI and calling conventions (see x86-psABI page) specifies that a struct of two scalar members (e.g. a pointer and an integer, or [GCC] C/C++ Struct Ambiguity - CodeProject GCC is saying there's <3>. And no, it's not nonsense. It's the standard way of defining a new struct type that isn't anonymous. In C, a definition like: struct MyType {}; has to be declared struct MyType mt; In C++, they remove this requirement so you can just type MyType mt; But for C you have to declare a type definition that overrides it. Ambiguous base classes (C++ only) - IBM

Tag vs. Type Names -

Mar 03, 2019

Members of a typedef struct - C / C++

ISH clients don't need to access any field of struct ishtp Mar 03, 2019 Why do many functions that return structures in C There are several practical reasons why functions like fopen return pointers to instead of instances of struct types: You want to hide the representation of the struct type Notice also, that on Linux/x86-64 the ABI and calling conventions (see x86-psABI page) specifies that a struct of two scalar members (e.g. a pointer and an integer, or [GCC] C/C++ Struct Ambiguity - CodeProject GCC is saying there's <3>. And no, it's not nonsense. It's the standard way of defining a new struct type that isn't anonymous. In C, a definition like: struct MyType {}; has to be declared struct MyType mt; In C++, they remove this requirement so you can just type MyType mt; But for C you have to declare a type definition that overrides it.