Powershell : Resolve Hostname from IP address and vice versa

Dec 17, 2013 Error message "sudo: unable to resolve host (none)" - Ask Sorry I can't help you much but, since it says "can't resolve host" try running: hostname And see if the output is the hostname of the machine. If not, the problem is the host configuration, not sudo. Understanding and Configuring DNS - TechLibrary - Juniper DNS Overview, Configuring a DNS Name Server for Resolving Hostnames into Addresses NNA can't resolve host IP - View topic • Nagios Support Forum

Nov 05, 2014

Here is the resolve.conf. The ip is of my AVM fritzfon router. But shouldn't /etc/hosts have higher priority? [hardik@moonlight: ~ ]$ cat /etc/resolv.conf # Generated by dhcpcd from eth0 # /etc/resolv.conf.head can replace this line nameserver # /etc/resolv.conf.tail can replace this line [hardik@moonlight: ~ ]$ nslookup moonlight CURLOPT_RESOLVE - provide custom host name to IP address resolves SYNOPSIS. #include CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *handle, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, struct curl_slist *hosts); DESCRIPTION. Pass a pointer to a linked list of strings with host name resolve information to use for requests with this handle. If this doesn’t work, the next step is to try connecting to the actual IP address of the server. Many times servers that use hostnames will not display their IP address as well. We can find it though! Search your computer for “cmd” and open a Command Prompt. Find the hostname of the server. In this example we will use: play.strongcraft.org

Aug 29, 2011

This is the best method I've come up with to resolve any host-name to ip-address, it's quick and reliable and has support for timeout! An invalid address, a unicode string for exmaple, returns after 4~ seconds, instead of 8~ with gethostbyname! The myIpAddress function has often been reported to give wrong or unusable results (for example,, the IP address of the localhost). It may help to remove any lines referring to the machine hostname on the system's host file (such as /etc/hosts on Linux). A reverse lookup using the IP address of the IP string literal is attempted to obtain the host name. This result is set as the HostName property. The host name from this reverse lookup is used again to obtain all the possible IP addresses associated with the name and set as the AddressList property. The message “ Sudo unable to resolve host host ” means that the utility can not determine the IP address of the “hostname“. It would seem that sudo is a local command to increase permissions on the system and does not have to define IP hosts. But this is not the case, sudo can be used by remote users, for example, connected via SSH. Your Host Name is not present in you Hosts file after you changed it, so just add it in Hosts file located at /etc/hosts and also at /etc/hostname with the familiar structure of hosts file like in example below. Your /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname will be like this after you add it. DNS Overview, Configuring a DNS Name Server for Resolving Hostnames into Addresses